Channeling The Light
Channeling the Light
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About Lori 

Hey there :)  I'm Lori Opal. 

I've been a lightholder, coach and channel for 25 years...

I've facilitated thousands of hours of "the work" -- via individual, group, coursework and teachings.

If there's one thing I'm committed to... and will always take a stand for, it's channeling my light.

I will not waver. And invite you to do the same, knowing you are exactly where you are supposed to be.

In this class, we are going to activate this energy.. and help you create crystal's important that you do.

As a mom of 4 and a life long entrepreneur - I know stepping into your souls work it isn't always easy!

And at times, it is filled with fear...uncertainty...and lack of support and guidance.

Let's  call ourselves back to the vision, powerfully channel the light of our divine purpose and truly make an impact on the world.

What I know is - the deeper the shift in YOU, the deeper the impact of your souls work.

And like a mathematical equation, this is precisely accurate, predictable and measurable. And that is beautiful news.

Join me for Channeling the Light, I can't wait to meet you!
