Kinds Words
I had always felt good in the past. I was pretty good at attracting great things to me. My thoughts were clear and precise.  But, when I had a personal traumatic event happen, all I could think was “I attracted this to me.”

I remember my first call with Lori. She asked me what I wanted to work on and the first words that came to my mind and out of my mouth was “It feels like my manifestor is broken.”

That moment in time marks the start of fixing “my manifestor”.  She picked thought after thought and straightened them out. The magic of it was how she showed me to never look at that tangled mess the same way again. She guided me to take another look, simply changing my perspective, learning that what felt like a traumatic experience was really a launching board into an amazing place.

I emerged from my time with Lori as an amazingly happy person. The happiness was radiating from my soul, I glow!  I have goals, dreams and plans now that excite me. I look forward for each and every day.  My manifestor is tuned up and humming perfectly now.

Every single day I feel deep gratitude for Lori, for her insight, her talent and the way she recharged me. The appreciation goes beyond words. Don’t waste a minute thinking it over, give it a chance, check her out, and be amazed with me.

Thank you, Lori, my certified manifestor mechanic.
In gratitude,

Lori Stillman

Connections are sometimes a part of the Great Mystery.

I can’t recall how my path came to intersect with Lori’s, but there is no question that some divine vibration set it up – the results have been that profound.

I live in a mindset that wanders among the physical, mental, energetic and spiritual realms pretty easily, and Lori seems to be very comfortable meeting me and coaching me in whichever realm I happen to be standing in when we talk.

In the physical, material world she has shown herself to be an alchemist, who takes the dense, heavy lead of my habits and self-limitations and transmutes them into gold. For example, when we started working together, I had been sitting for so long on a hollow log of procrastination about bringing my business into the tech-age that I was starting to grow moss. In a few short months, she has guided me to launch my new website, start a blog, resume my newsletter and get it online – pure gold! And as a result, business is up!

Mentally, her intuitive insights and inspirations have affirmed me and challenged me to be a better coach than I thought I could be. Many years ago, my first shamanic master and mentor had taught me to “know that you know what you know,” one of the powers of the Wheel of Life. Well Lori compassionately demands that I lean into that power, and won’t let me settle for anything less from myself. She has an uncanny ability to coax out my particular piece of universal wisdom and override the self-doubt that otherwise might keep me from sharing it with my clients and the world. And as I share what I know, business is up!

Lori’s acute awareness of energy systems and emotions creates a smooth conduit for clearing the mist, fog, grime and grit from my chakra system. Sometimes after a session, I feel as if I’ve been in Alpha, Beta and Theta states simultaneously, and my twelve chakras are flowing like a stream after the Spring thaw. This works out great for my clients, who get the benefit of my unvarnished authenticity and unbridled Gamma energy. After a session with Lori, I wish I had me for a coach! I think that’s the highest calling for any of us in this field: to bring our clients to a deep appreciation of who they are, and a deep desire to be more than they think they are. Lori does that consistently for me, with a wonderful humility and grace. And along with the flow of energy, business is up!

Spiritually, Lori has managed to find herself a seat among my inner council of angels, spirit guides and totems. With some regularity, I find myself resolving one dilemma or another by asking myself mindfully, “What would Lori say about this? How would she encourage me to think or feel about it?” And the resolution inevitably saunters up and sits down next to me, whispering something both profound and simple. Oh, and with that mindfulness and simplicity, business is up!

So I carry around a very deep gratitude that our journey continues. I show up, she shows up, and something powerful happens. I still can appreciate the Mystery about the why and how of the connection, and now I also appreciate the Mastery that flows from it.

Thank you, Lori.

George Herrick


You transformed my world the first time I talked to you. I didn’t start coaching with you for some
time, but in our first consultation, you changed my entire perspective and made me see my role in where I was standing.

Over the years, I’ve learned so much from you and you’ve been instrumental in bringing out my own wisdom that otherwise would have been brushed under the rug in a law firm job.

You inspired me to become a coach, sharing everything you know with me without ever thinking it might somehow diminish you. You taught me to give more freely by example. The most pivotal thing is that you helped me realize, as the line in The Wizard of Oz goes, “You always had it, dear.”

When I was a kid and all the way through the early years of college I always seemed to “get” anything I wanted.  It came to me effortlessly. I didn’t send the U mixed signals because I knew what I wanted and had no doubt I’d  have it.

Something changed in college, and I began to doubt my worth and send mixed signals about what I wanted  and deserved. A few years out of law school, you gave me the confidence back to reclaim my worth, reestablish  that I deserve more than I can imagine, and the knowledge and tools to get back the basics of believing in myself  and letting the good stuff land on my shoulder, just like your butterflies.

You helped me learn to follow my  bliss just like I did before the bumps and bruises of the world taught me I didn’t deserve to have bliss in my  life.

You have posed to me some very powerful questions about myself and helped me redefine what matters to me so I can  design my life accordingly. You’ve given me permission to take care of myself and listen to myself in ways I  haven’t done since I was a teenager, if ever.

You’ve been an amazing mentor and I have come to think of you as a true friend, Lori.”
With immeasurable love and light,

Dana Boyle
Relationship Coach & Lawyer

I read Lori’s newsletters for nearly a year before I took the plunge. I was hesitant and skeptical to work with a life coach across the miles, but my desire to evolve was stronger.

When I signed up for Lori’s mastermind class, I was doing some soul-searching regarding my career and contemplating a refocus. Lori saw possibility in me (and for me) that were totally in line with my talents and experience and felt quite natural to me. She helped launch me into a new adventure–a perfect one for someone who has such a passion for books, and understands the how-to of writing.

Making an entrepreneurial leap requires a lot of support, and Lori gave me that. Hugely. In addition to writing for corporations, I’m helping entrepreneurs write books that will help expand their own businesses.

Lori nurtured my talent, and helped me recognize and embrace the fear of the unknown. I always thought butterflies were pretty amazing creatures, but now when I see one, I think of my own fluttering possibilities, of the power of synchronistic events, and, of course, of Lori, too.”

Lisa Abbate
Word Mountain

Before I began coaching with Lori, I found myself in a place of uncertainty and self-doubt about the direction of my life. I was in the midst of a huge life transition; going through a divorce and trying to keep my new business going while raising my three children.

Lori’s guidance has been an amazing support to me – fostering a sense of peace, strength and confidence within me that I had not known for a very long time. Lori has helped me in the process of redefining who I am in this new life I am creating; shifting negative thoughts and patterns in my life from a place where I felt powerless to a place where I can stand in my own personal power and be ok with that. Lori is always able to work with where I am at at any given moment – and always finds a way to guide me to finding the place I want to be.

I am always surprised at the topics we end up discussing as they are often things that weren’t necessarily on my “agenda” to discuss with Lori. It is such a testament to Lori that she always finds what I really need to talk about, and how that is affecting my life as a whole – both personally and professionally.

I always leave our coaching with such clear intention and purpose about my next steps.

Since beginning coaching with Lori, my income has increased by over 50%, opportunities I didn’t think even existed have presented themselves, and I have a newfound sense of confidence and self-love.

Thank you Lori!
Kirsten Kreiling

Before coaching with Lori I felt really stuck about which direction to take my business.  I was frustrated and tired of investing in other programs (and people!) that didn’t get me any closer to my goals and knew I needed help getting clear from someone I could trust.

As a coach myself, I realized that I needed support from another experienced coach who could help guide me to alignment.  Working with Lori was a great experience.  She challenged me to examine some of the limiting beliefs that were holding me back about my practice and myself.

Lori is very intuitive and could easily tell where and how I was hiding and holding back and for this I am eternally grateful. She provided a safe space for me to test out ideas and one idea in particular reshaped my entire business!  Now I finally feel like I’m doing the work I was meant to do, helping my clients turn their ordinary stories into extraordinary instruments of illumination and clarity to shine in life and work.

I continue to be amazed by the people and opportunities that keep showing up in my life.
Lori is wonderful to work with and I can’t recommend her enough.

Christian Marie Herron

My only regret is that I didn’t find you years ago. Through our group, your coaching was nothing short of incredible; and I know I speak for everyone in the group when I say, “Thank you so much for your individualized coaching attention when I needed it.

I don’t know why I couldn’t see it before – like I do now! A big Thank You!  Now that our class has wrapped up, and the holidays are behind us, I just wanted to express to you my gratitude and admiration for creating such a life-changing coaching program.

Your insight and compassion is unparalleled.

It’s been almost 6 weeks since our classes have ended, and I still have more energy than I’ve had in 20 years!

There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t experience a small, medium, or large ‘Ah! Ha!’ I am literally changing from the inside-out! I am no longer miserable; and have learned to trust and love myself. I now see everything in a different, more joyful and carefree perspective.

Lori, I thank you for giving me so many tools for dealing with my so many problems. But most of all, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me ignite the flame of Life, Love, and Understanding within me! I shall never be the same .”

Bless you!
Sharon M

When it was first suggested to me that we come together and work with a life coach, I was extremely hesitant and I have to admit that I questioned it.

Why would I need a life coach? What could I possibly get out of investing my time into a weekly session? I already have a good support system, so what could you possibly do for me?”

Well, I can now announce wholeheartedly that the only question that remains is why didn’t I do this sooner in my life?”

I’m not sure if I can accurately communicate my appreciation in words for all that you’ve provided in my life. You have helped me develop my own mental / emotional /subconscious anchor, and have provided me with a framework that is so flexible that it both grounds my self and inspires my soul.

Simply having a non-judgmental re-filling station to return to has allowed me the opportunity to connect internally and then create without restriction.

The result has ultimately lead me towards actualizing the self-courage necessary in order to follow my own bliss. And follow my bliss I have done. I now cannot imagine my life back in the state of doing-ness as residing here in the state of being-ness is so, so much more satisfying. I am who I want to be and you have helped me find that place – so thank you, thank you, thank you a thousand times over.

Without your extraordinary ability to help reconnect the foot to the path, I don’t think I would have achieved to the extent that I have done so.  What else can I convey other than my absolute deepest of gratitude.”

With Peace, Love, and Infinite Blessings,
Glenn Brubaker

I’ve known Lori for what feels like a very long time, but then again, I would guess she makes everyone feel that valued. Six years ago I elicited her expertise simply because being connected to her just felt right. I started in one of her group courses but kept her in my intentions for individual coaching. When I first took the leap to one on one time, I was scared of the financial commitment.

Even though I knew the rewards would be greater than my fears, my brain kept trying to override my soul’s desire to go deeper through her coaching. Still, I took a deep breath then jumped in.

I’ve been coaching with Lori privately for a little over a year now and can’t believe I sat so long with my worries and without her help! I couldn’t (and definitely don’t want to) imagine my life without our bi-weekly calls. They say ” when the student is ready the teacher appears”.

Well, whatever I did to put myself in connection with her I would do 100 times over! Lori is like wrapping up the intuition of Abraham-Hicks with the motivation of Toni Robins and the genuine unconditional support of my grandmother.

She is not just my coach. She is my mentor, my lifeline and my pixie dust.

Of the unlimited sources for coaching and mentoring available, when I think of achieving personal transformation (or experience any form of synchronicity) only Miss Lori comes to mind.

I am eternally grateful for all she has awakened within me and I know you will be as well.

Much love,
Shera Davis, M.Ed.

When I first came to you, I had just worked my way out of a serious depression. I was living my dream of being a work-at-home mom, but found myself longing for something more. I had a few paths I wanted to explore, but fear and low self-esteem kept me stuck, unable to take the next step forward.

Almost immediately after we started working together, life got interesting. It started with lots of de-cluttering, both physical and mental. I let go of anything that didn’t express my authentic self—a job, volunteer duties, a few relationships, and the constant critical thoughts that weighed me down.

Since then I’ve achieved some amazing things. I’ve completed a degree. My first novel is just about finished, and it has already won a number of writing competitions and several literary agents and editors are interested in getting their hands on it. I’ve started to lose weight, and instead of the uphill battle this has always felt like, it’s becoming natural to listen to my body and what it needs. Every day the benefits of the work we’ve done together show up in my life.

The changes you’ve helped me make have also inspired a desire to pay it forward. I’m now working on creating my own coaching practice in the hopes of helping others create the lives of their dreams, just as you’ve helped me manifest mine. If I can bring half the compassion, kindness and grace to my clients as you’ve brought to me, I will consider myself highly successful.

With much love,
Amy Bender

Dear Lori,

The famous quote,  “When the student is ready the teacher appears” is certainly  true in my life.   Through a series synchronistic events  our paths crossed and I began working with you one on one.

Before I started working with you,  I had countless interference and distractions.

Our individual coaching sessions have brought me  to a level of clarity in areas of my life I did not know  to be  possible.

To say that working  with you has been transformational would be an understatement at best.

1)Your coaching style rich with compassion, wisdom and understanding creates never ending opportunities for growth  and discovery for me each and every session.

2)Your willingness to work with me where ever I am at has made such a huge impact in my journey in all areas of my life.

3) Abounding synchronicity, a sense of inner peace, contentment, and  are  attributes that truly describe my life as a result of working with you.

I am filled with joyful anticipation as to what may unfold next for me.

I am forever grateful for my work with you Lori as you have helped me bring significance to my life and to all those I come in contact with on a daily basis.

Thank you,
Dennis Seeb
