The Manifestation 100

Manifest Your Deepest Dreams & Desires
In One Hundred Days (or less.) 

Drop into my proven, day-by-day manifesting practice...
so you can create the life you were born to live, starting today.

Manifest Your Deepest Dreams & Desires In One Hundred Days (or less.) 

Drop into my proven, day-by-day manifesting practice...
so you can create the life you were born to live, starting today.

There comes a time when your more ready than ever to change your life. 

You're ready to take back your power.
 You're ready to trade self doubt for synchronicity and magic! 
You're to release the fears that get the best of you, and create the life you were born to live.   
You are ready to turn on your magnetism, and attract your dreams with ease.
 And you're more than ready to play bigger.  

I totally get it and I've been there.

READY.... sitting on the edge of greatness & breakthroughs! 

Knowing I needed to just SHIFT my frequency.

Also knowing that just ONE shift can open a floodgate opportunity, love & prosperity.

Because this isn't about what you DO.  It's about activating the most powerful frequencies.

There comes a time when you are just READY, you know?

I've worked with thousands of clients over the years who have felt and experienced the same...

Let's talk about what's possible, shall we? 


Looking around your world and suddenly realizing that your vision board has sprung to life.

As in.... that one you made 100 days ago. 

Love is overflowing...
Soulmates, soul family,
soul connections, and soul clients
have appeared - as if by magic.

You became a money magnet!
True abundance and prosperity is aligned and available to you in your ways it hadn't been before.  You are clicked in. Dialed in...and ohh yes, magnetic. 

Miracles...are a daily occurrence.
The Universe is conspiring in your favor.   And your getting daily signs, synchronicities, miracles that are
aligned with the dream you are creating.

You commonly say...OMG.
"You just can't make this stuff up." (your joyful reaction to the synchronicities dropping in your lap, or the Universe dropping a trail of breadcrumbs as your dream unfolds.  )

And... your feeling more confident than ever as a conscious creator.
Bringing together ALL the pieces
of the manifestation puzzle... and watching your life begin to click in as a result.

I know... that may sound too good to be true.  

It's because we've been conditioned to be in the never ending state of  "work hard"'s what it takes, right?

We've are deeply rooted in those beliefs.

We set goals, put in the hours, climb ladders, check boxes and hard.

We've spent the majority of our life in the "work hard" model...

Measuring our effort.
Measuring our deservingness.
Measuring our worthiness.
Measuring our personal power.

It gets messy, doesn't it.  And keeps us in cycle hard to break free from.

So it's totally NATURAL to have some disbelief fire off from that mind of yours
when stepping into an alternate approach.


We tap into the power of the quantum field.
We uplevel our worth and get in SYNC with that power.
We learn to leverage the power of energy, imagination and divine connection....
We partner with the divine to create experiences of life...

Because we were born co-creators, not "work hard-ers".   :)

It's an energetic, emotional + spiritual approach that creates an unusual level of
magic, manifestation, experience, result, motion and yes, even miracles in your life.

I've spent my life studying and crystalizing an approach to help you
create the life you want to live, with more ease and joy. 


This 100 day journey will help you become magnetic,
activate your power....and manifest your best life. 

(Even if you're seasoned spiritual seeker. 
Even if you know this stuff.
Even if you are seasoned in the "work hard" model. )

This is the most effective manifestation course on the planet,
because this is where personal transformation meets manifesting.

You'll Get: 

💛 The Daily Manifesting Routine
💛 The Manifestation 100 journey with... 
💛 A daily video lesson that will raise your vibration and activate your magnetism. 
💛 7 Sacred Keys To Manifesting In Life, Business + Abundance
💛 Foundation Work, The Quick Start + Processes
💛 In-The-Vortex topic specific workshops 

You will:

💛Establish a proven manifesting practice that creates actual manifestations in your life, business and abundance.

Attune your energy with the universe, aligning your desires and purpose with the limitless potential of the quantum field.

💛Improve your ability to attract what you desire, making your dreams and desires more achievable.

💛Raise your vibrational frequency to resonate with higher states of consciousness and attract positive energies.

💛Enhance emotional well-being and reduce stress, leading to a more balanced and peaceful life.

💛Attract soulmates, soul family, and soul connections, enriching your personal connections.

💛Attract divine synchronicities that guide your path and affirm your spiritual journey.

💛Experience daily miracles and signs from the Universe, reinforcing your belief in the power of manifestation.

💛Gain insights and intuitive wisdom, enhancing your decision-making and life choices and ability to follow the unfolding path

💛Develop unshakable confidence in your abilities, empowering you to handle the ebbs and flows and challenges of life.

💛 Radiate positive energy that attracts positivity and abundance into every aspect of your life.

💛Find inner peace that transcends external circumstances, providing serenity in times of challenge.

💛Cultivate an abundance of gratitude, enhancing your appreciation for life's blessings.

💛Shift from self doubt to self love which --  through THIS lens, the work that magnifies your manifesting + activates your power, 100%.

💛 T
rade that fear that keeps you frozen --  for taking your power back, one step and one day at a time.

💛 Feel empowered to take charge of your destiny, knowing that you have the tools to shape your reality.

💛Embrace endless possibilities, knowing that you have the power to create the life of your dreams.

This is the one and only experiential manifesting program that will guide you through your next 100 days....

So you can effortlessly start manifesting
the life you want to live.  

This practice is infused with the exact Universal Laws, frequencies that will...

Light you up, and make you magnetic to your dreams, desires + prosperity.


It's manifesting.  It's personal transformation.  It's healing.  It's energy work.  It's a calibration.

It won't just MOVE the needle of your dreams in your life...

It will CHANGE it.

#1: The 100 Days...
Effortlessly Stay in Alignment!  

~ Be guided through a daily alignment practice that allows abundance and prosperity to flow effortlessly.

~ Acquire a deep toolbox to attract and simple day at a time.

~  Get a quick video that accompanies each lesson and helps you integrate this practice into your life.

~ Create powerful shift in your energy, and thus your life!

One beautiful day at a'll see the compounding effects of the work.

You'll look back and you won't believe the changes that have occurred in your life.

#2: Daily Manifesting Routine

There are 7 sacred secrets to live by and practice.

I call this The Daily Manifesting Routine....AKA GOLD!

It's a sacred sequence and a come from, steeped in layers of magnetism and magic.

Let the program's structure guide you, and you'll quickly see how easy manifesting can be.

These 100 days are infused with this sacred sequence - just follow along and you'll be LIVING the work, and staying aligned for 100 days.

Imagine what could happen with 100 days of intentional creation and alignment...ALOT!  

 #3: 7 Sacred Keys To Manifesting ~ Masterclass

You'll get a deep dive training on the 7 Sacred Secrets to Manifesting, which I help you embody, practice and implement on your 100 day journey.

Consider it your QUICK START.

This pointed masterclass will help you set the stage and start creating magic from Day 1.




When you are "in the vortex"...

You are in an energetic sweet spot to manifest so much more of what you are wanting.

Any of these workshops will get you "in the vortex"... and tuned in, and quickly.

The in-the-vortex-video-series holds these powerful trainings:

💛 How To Create An Aligned Vision

💛 How to Partner With The Universe
(+ create bliss)

💛How to Raise Your Vibration and Tap Into The Energy That Creates Worlds

💛When Fear Gets The Best Of You

💛 And more!

"I emerged from my time with Lori as an amazingly happy person.

The happiness was radiating from my soul, I glow!

I have goals, dreams and plans now that excite me. I look forward for each and every day.

My "manifestor" is tuned up and humming perfectly now."

Lori Stillman
Jumping from Helicopters

It's my intention to  10x the value you get from this program...
and that you will take away from this experience.

 We are so grateful to continue to see the ripple effect of  The Manifestation 100 since it's inception.

This, is like sacred energy work...
A divine step-by-step system.....
Wrapped up in daily guidance. 


The Universe is conspiring
in your favor....

Because for $1 a day ... you can drop yourself into a manifesting practice that will help you get aligned, stay aligned + create a life you LOVE.

The transformations speak for themselves.

You'll Get: 

💛 The Daily Manifesting Routine
💛 The Manifestation 100 journey with... 
💛 A daily video lesson that will raise your vibration and activate your magnetism. 
💛 7 Sacred Keys To Manifesting In Life, Business + Abundance
💛 Foundation Work, The Quick Start + Processes
💛 In-The-Vortex topic specific workshops 

You will:

💛Establish a proven manifesting practice that creates actual results in your life, business and abundance.

Attune your energy with the universe, aligning your desires and purpose with the limitless potential of the quantum field.

💛Improve your ability to attract what you desire, making your dreams and desires more achievable.

Raise your vibrational frequency to resonate with higher states of consciousness and attract positive energies.

💛Enhance emotional well-being and reduce stress, leading to a more balanced and peaceful life.

Experience a next level of spiritual awakening, unveiling deeper layers of your true self.

💛Attract soulmates, soul family, and soul connections, enriching your personal connections.

Attract divine synchronicities that guide your path and affirm your spiritual journey.

💛Experience daily miracles and signs from the Universe, reinforcing your belief in the power of manifestation.

Gain mystical insights and intuitive wisdom, enhancing your decision-making and life choices.

💛Cultivate a sense of boundless joy, making every day a celebration of life's beauty and opportunities.

💛Harness the quantum field to manifest desires effortlessly and instantaneously.

💛Discover a crystal-clear sense of purpose, guiding your actions with intention and meaning.

💛Practice spiritual alchemy to transmute negative energies into pure light and positivity.

💛Attain the freedom to choose your path, making decisions that align with your values and aspirations.

💛Unleash your cosmic creativity, co-creating with the universe to bring your visions to life.

💛Develop unshakable confidence in your abilities, empowering you to tackle challenges with self-assuredness.

💛 Radiate positive energy that attracts positivity and abundance into every aspect of your life.

💛Find inner peace that transcends external circumstances, providing serenity in times of challenge.

💛Cultivate an abundance of gratitude, enhancing your appreciation for life's blessings.

💛Shift from self doubt to self love which --  through THIS lens, the work that magnifies your manifesting + activates your power, 100%.

💛 T
rade that fear that keeps you frozen --  for taking your power back, one step and one day at a time.

💛 Feel empowered to take charge of your destiny, knowing that you have the tools to shape your reality.

💛Embrace endless possibilities, knowing that you have the power to create the life of your dreams.

/The Manifestation 100 has changed a- LOT of lives, and we soooo believe in the power of this journey.

It's been wonderful to witness. But, still I want to remove all risk for you.

I'd be honored if you would just see for yourself...

And if you aren't 100% happy after 30 days, just send us a message + we'll either help you find your manifestation sweet spot, or issue you a refund.

Hey there!
 I'm Lori Opal... 

synchronicity...personal transformation, personal evolution... illumination... awakening... 

These things are my obsession, my joy immersion...and my life's work.

For me - living a magic carpet ride life is all I will settle for.

I invite you to the same conviction.


Because after 26 years in this business - I know what works, I've seen what works...

And not just in those easy flowing times...but when you are in the trenches of life, going through some pretty challenging stuff...

This is the framework I would turn to every single time...and do.

Because I've been there.

Life in't easy -- BUT we are meant to stand in our power, and more often than no...

And manifest with intention, on purpose + not lose sight of who we truly are.

When the going gets tough ~ I'm grateful for this foundational system.

There's so much more possible that we could ever realize...

I've had ups and downs resulting in huge awakenings...

Quantum leaps in business and life...

And I wouldn't change ONE thing knowing what I know today and what this journey has revealed.

Is this for me, you ask? 

This is NOT for you if:

You would prefer a traditional path to success and happiness…
There's nothing wrong with the "work hard" model.  It works too.
Come on back when you are ready to layer in this approach - this is how
many start.  A little hard work.  A little manifesting! This creates magic too.  When you are ready of course!

This IS for you if…

You love creating magic, synchronicity and you want to grow evolve yourself in the process. You dream of as easier way to manifest, and stay in alignment. You want a system to follow that just works.

You desire to have your heart and hand held by a sacred framework that will guide you day by day, into alignment and ease...

And you desire, more than anything, to tap into the magic
of co- creating with the Universe.

  What makes this different? 
I see a lot of people trying to patch together pieces of manifesting and personal transformation.

Trying to just "change their thoughts"...doing a vision board... setting intentions.  Sometimes just throwing spaghetti against the wall and seeing what sticks.

This is a sacred system.

You'll drop into a framework based in Universal Law - and when practiced in union as a sequence, creates miracles in your life.

Will this work for me?  
YES! The work, works.  And it's foundational.
That's why so many of my gorgeous clients share their stories.

And PS.  ONE shift has the power to open floodgates in your life.  And there are many more shifts within. :)

How long does each lesson take each day? 
There's 3-6 minute video that compliments a written daily lesson.  It's your choice to do one, or both!

What if I miss a day or a lesson?
Follow your guidance -- pick up where you left off  or just keep on going!

 Will this program help me in my business or career?  

After working with so many conscious entrepreneurs over the last 25 years, in my experience the answer is YES.

Your business is literally an extension of YOU... your energy impacts everything in your field, why not your business/career/money too?

Does this program include coaching? 

While this model doesn't come with private coaching,  please inquire about working with me at anytime, when you are ready.  (like in Divine Crystalline Creator or Illuminate!)

 Many clients continue the M100 as they continue to deepen the work, with my support and other courses.

 What's the investment? 
This day-by-day framework is like having me in your living room every morning, having coffee, setting the tone for your magnetism, and creating your day.

Most coaching programs of this caliber, that offer this kind of result charge thousands.  But I'm not charging thousands, not even hundreds....  just $97 for the 100 day journey, the bonuses and the transformation.

(That's less that $1 a day to transform your life.)

When can I begin?

As soon as you enroll in the program, you'll be able to access all course materials and get immediate access to my online transformational school and platform. 

"If you hear a YES - TRUST IT. Because everything will line up around you...

The money will appear, the freedom in your schedule will appear, and she will help you work the magic into your life that you are looking for.

I highly recommend her!"

Sophie Frabotta

Here's What You'll Receive: 

You'll Get: 

💛 The Daily Manifesting Routine
💛 The Manifestation 100 journey with... 
💛 A daily video lesson that will raise your vibration and activate your magnetism. 
💛 7 Sacred Keys To Manifesting In Life, Business + Abundance
💛 Foundation Work, The Quick Start 
💛 In-The-Vortex topic specific workshops 

This is a one time payment of  $297 $97, (less than $1 per day).
You'll get lifetime access to this program... including program updates!
