"This material is mega inspirational - and it works!"
John Fountain

If It’s Your Heart’s Desire To Effortlessly Transform Your Entire Life, And You’ve Been Waiting For A Sign From The Universe.  Consider This The One.

   Would you like to learn how to manifest?  Simply, easily + powerfully?

    Are you tired of the struggle?

    Are you WIDE open to doing it differently and making the creation the your success, dreams, desires and goals... easy?

   Do you feel called to calibrate to a higher  frequency, energy + vibration to create your reality?

    Would you like to allow the energy that creates worlds (butterfly's, abundance. + magic) to flow through you?

    Would you like the "experience" of a powerful calibration + alignment that creates true... joy-filled-awe-inspiring manifestations?

   Does synchronicity light you up + do you know there's something more you are being led to?

    Would more bliss be ok?  How about magic?  Delight  Awe filled moments?

     Are you ready to let go of comfort zones and what the mind knows... and awaken the most powerful part of yourself?

It was 2007 and I remember the morning so clearly....

The sun was streaming through the window of my bedroom, and I was just barely starting to crack my eyes open.

The day before I had sent out an email to my growing list of students... who were seekers, spiritual entrepreneurs... and a ton of people who were not only seeking to be awakenended... they felt like they were in the middle of  an awakening.

They were being called.  

They craved magic.

The craved to ignite some kind of energy that would make life feel every day  life was a new adventure....

And they craved to know with all of their being that anything was indeed possible.

I get it.

I'm a deep lover of this life, too.

An on fire with desire conscious creator!

And I use most of life's moments to teach me something sacred...

Something that my soul has known forever but my ego is waking up to.

Rewind to my story....I asked them in that email....

HEY, how can I help you?

I heard this... over and over ....

"Lori... teach me to manifest."

Email after email after email.

Teach me to manifest...

I went to bed that night and was like...  ok... deep breath.

What will that look like, I thought?

My head hit the pillow...

And the next morning....

As the sun peeked through the window... and my eyes barely opened....

I heard these words from my guidance.


And little did I know it would be the first of a long list of teachings, courses, downloads + epiphanies + wisdom I would bring to this world. 

But as I will teach you...

I didn't hesitate.

I aligned on every level + moved energy in a way I have never moved energy to that point...

And...the Butterfly Experiment coursework was born.

As of today... It's morphed into it's next highest version.  :)

What you are looking at right now is the expanded version of that work that has taught thousands through the years to create alignment, allowing + activate the frequency of magic in their lives.

(despite hardship.  despite what they thought they knew.  despite if you believe or not that manifesting works... or works for you.)

The Butterfly Experiment experiential container, where we marry learning the art of allowing + alignment with a moving experience of personal transformation.

It’s a philosophy.  A space.  A journey, experience + an unfolding. 

Quite simply, I'm about to teach you how to create energetic alignment and become a vibrational match to all that you desire ~ and it's not just about making a good vision board  (although I do love a good VB!)

It’s about allowing the powerful energy of the Universe to flow through you.

It's about becoming ONE with it....

It's about touching the gorgeous frequency of yourself... in a way that you've never done before.

(You are gorgeous + magnificent + limitlessness, do you realize?)

I promise....

Your entire life has the potential to shift and transform when you step into this work.

You’ll  become aligned with the energy of of synchronicity, stand in the loving space of magnetic manifestation and connect to your powerful inner being —quickly. 

Your job?

Just follow along, and let yourself be carried.


Be light...

Manifest butterflies.

I'll show you how to deeply integrate the wisdom into the rest of your life.

The greatest truth:  YOU are the butterfly.


There is no need to struggle with manifestation, or with creating your dream life. 

No need to look out and wonder what you are doing "wrong", or feel emotionally splattered
 when you think about all that your NOT creating.

Additionally, there is no need to feel at fault, or like there is something wrong with you...

You just need a method.

And to calibrate to a higher understanding of the quantum field...

(PS that's called choosing to awaken!) 

The Butterfly Experiment will offer you the tools to shift and align your energy -- making manifestation of that which you have intended a beautiful by-product of the vibrational state that you'll be resonating in.

It's magical.

In no time, you will tap new levels of love, joy, personal fulfillment and abundance...

And better yet... you will have EXPERIENCED it.

As you know, true learning lies in your experiences, and this course is everything experiential.

You'll transform your life...

As if from chrysalis to butterfly, and I'll be your guide the entire way.

Here's more ....   

Butterfly Experiment is a magical experience + container for transformation and manifestation.

It's an "experiment"... because we remove all friction to the becoming of you + your dreams...

But even more so ~ it's an experiential journey that will leave you changed, transformed + morphed...

While opening the gateways to creating your life as you desire.

This experience is for those of you who want more abundance as you define it...

It's for seekers who want to drop the struggle.

It's for women who aren't afraid to make life easy, desire for more... and are open to the magic and miracles that exist in the ethers and can't wait to be birthed into your personal reality.

It's for those of you who are willing to set aside "reality" for a moment, and let go of the way the world has taught you it IS....

And trade it out for a life of metamorphosis... where your greatness, magic + limitlessness is revealed and your everything you desire gets to be possible.

You are one shift away from your greatest metamorphosis, lovely Butterfly Goddess. 

This course was designed to help you with very important aspects of your life.....

🩵 You'll learn to MANIFEST, ALLOW, RECEIVE.   

🩵 You will heal and shift from the friction that interrupts your metamorphosis, your results + experiencing the life, abundance + business you want to create. (yes, manifesting butterflies and business go together more than you can even imagine)

 🩵Learn to BE the highest expression of SELF so you can create the life you desire.

🩵Create + experience MAGIC.  This is the whole point of this course.  Beyond butterflies, beyond "law of attraction".   You get to be magical, just sayin'!

 🩵 Begin receiving epiphanies, intuitive downloads + an unfolding path toward toward your higher purpose.

🩵Learn how to align with the speed of the Universe + create quantum events that collapse the timeline of your manifesting.

🩵 You will begin to the the world differently, through the lens of the quantum.  

🩵 Session 1:  Foundations
You'll learn the sacred Manifesting Stack for the Butterfly Experiment.
It's a gateway, it's a frequency + it's the foundation you need to access higher levels
of thought, transformation.

🩵 Session 2:  How to Align with the Energy of this Limitless Universe (and create!)
It's important to get OUT of your minds limits and into what's possible from a quantum perspective.
  It's time to shift and create your reality with the Universe... it's a partnership.
Time to think and manifest like the Universe does, so let's get aligned

🩵 Session 3 - Synchronicity (and igniting this most important frequency) 
If you want more magic and synchronicity in your life... you must activate it.
It's a frequency, a vibration + the holds the code to experiencing magical unfoldings, and
one synchronicity after another...after another... after another.

🩵 Session 4 - The Quantum Field, And You.
You are standing on the field of consciousness right now...
and we are here to remember that field.   We are here to  become ONE with it intentionally... and access all the benefits that the quantum field has to offer you.  And there are many!   And to put a cherry on top, you'll learn about a meditation  process that I created that helps you go there quickly
  + access the magic.

🩵 Session 5 -  Butterfly Your Life, Butterfly Your Business.
Bring the energy that creates worlds to your mission, career + business.
It's time to acces and apply ancient energy to the "work" we do on this planet.
All to often - works gets quickly associated with structure, process, stats, data...
and not that it's not important.  But let's plug into the power source of all that is
and see what happens when we do.  I promise it's MAGICAL.
And your data gets to represent that.

🩵 Session  6 -  Collapse Time
They say, you gotta slow down to speed up.  I'll teach you about collapsing time
and help you get your frequency "up to speed".  Plus you'll calibrate to a
new understanding of what it means to collapse time that will serve you.
There's a few secrets that are imperative for you to know, and this is fresh
off the field guidance from me


I've been in the personal transformation + law of attraction coaching industry for 24 years and counting, these years has flown by + it's been an amazing journey.

One thing I've manifested, right from the ethers (aside from manifesting my own Goddess self)?

This purpose driven business... built from love, light, energy, intention + connection.  I'm immensely grateful.

And during this time I've helped thousands of women create a reality they love, dreams they desire + and transformed themselves into the WHO they truly are and were born to be.

I'm the founder + creator of The Manifestation 10o, the Quantum Life Academy...and many sister programs, courses + workshops created to help you transform yourself, and live the life you've always dreamed of... including the one you're looking at right now!

Women who are attracted to my work feel like they are looking for "a system"  to help manifest and (let's be honest)  sometimes even glue themselves + their dream life back together...

And while you get that in this space with me...
you will get a whole lot more.

You get a frequency.  A philosophy.  The downloads.  The uplevel in your energy system.
You become magnetic.

You become the highest version of yourself.

This is the only place on earth that does what we do, in the way we do it.   And know that I feel blessed and honored to work together, because after years of the work, together we've created this.

You ARE indeed a Goddess Butterfly.

Now it's time to catch you up with the power of YOU + rock your life.

Check in.  If heart yearns for a frequency... a philosophy.... a code.....to uplevel  your everything.

This is one of the most magical programs where manifestation meets personal transformation....
this work will change you.

🩵 Session 1:  Foundations
You'll learn the sacred Manifesting Stack for the Butterfly Experiment.
It's a gateway, it's a frequency + it's the foundation you need to access higher levels
of thought, transformation.

🩵 Session 2:  How to Align with the Energy of this Limitless Universe (and create!)
It's important to get OUT of your minds limits and into what's possible from a quantum perspective.
  It's time to shift and create your reality with the Universe... it's a partnership.
Time to think and manifest like the Universe does, so let's get aligned

🩵 Session 3 - Synchronicity (and igniting this most important frequency) 
If you want more magic and synchronicity in your life... you must activate it.
It's a frequency, a vibration + the holds the code to experiencing magical unfoldings, and
one synchronicity after another...after another... after another.

🩵 Session 4 - The Quantum Field, And You.
You are standing on the field of consciousness right now...
and we are here to remember that field.   We are here to  become ONE with it intentionally... and access all the benefits that the quantum field has to offer you.  And there are many!   And to put a cherry on top, you'll learn about a meditation  process that I created that helps you go there quickly
  + access the magic.

🩵 Session 5 -  Butterfly Your Life, Butterfly Your Business.
Bring the energy that creates worlds to your mission, career + business.
It's time to acces and apply ancient energy to the "work" we do on this planet.
All to often - works gets quickly associated with structure, process, stats, data...
and not that it's not important.  But let's plug into the power source of all that is
and see what happens when we do.  I promise it's MAGICAL.
And your data gets to represent that.

🩵 Session  6 -  Collapse Time
They say, you gotta slow down to speed up.  I'll teach you about collapsing time
and help you get your frequency "up to speed".  Plus you'll calibrate to a
new understanding of what it means to collapse time that will serve you.
There's a few secrets that are imperative for you to know, and this is fresh
off the field guidance from me


Q:  When can I begin?


Q: What makes this course different from the rest?

You'll find a lot of programs out there on Law of Attraction -- but this one is completely different.  I don't teach you the what to do -- I give you a experiential training.  You'll start seeing shifts from day 1. 
 It's through the experiencing that most learning occurs, and transformation happens.

Merely reading books is great, but the shift happens when you live it, and is amplified when you receive coaching around it.

Q: I want to...xyz (make more money, lose weight, find love) Can I do that with Butterfly Experiment?

This is a framework + a blueprint for manifestation and personal transformation. My clients have had jaw dropping transformations unfold in their lives while doing this work -- and it's got everything to do with a new vibration they are activating.

Creating "the stuff" you desire becomes more joyful, and even effortless. Life SHOULD unfold with ease, and tending to your energy and to the principles of conscious creation in this program drop you into that space. Long answer for YES, you can manifest "the stuff" too.

Q:  How long will I have access to these materials?

Forever :)  Annnd, you'll get lifetime updates to the self study version of this program.  

Q:  Will it "work" for me?

Yes.  Get excited because it's life changing.  If you don't think so, if it doesn't change you or your perspective, or create movement in your life, we are happy to refund!  But likely, if this calls to you... it will work for you.  I'm pretty confident, I know, but I created this course 17 years ago - and I've seen magic every single year.

Q:  Will it help my business?

A:  Absolutely, YES.  It will. There's a ripple effect in every single area of your life through this work, starting right here.

Come on in, try out the vibes and take one full year (yes 365 days) play.  It is an experiment after all.  :)  And if it doesn't resonate, shoot us a quick email + we will honor + refund your investment.

Bask in the energies,  and if it's not your jam we'll part ways as soul family  who are blessed to have crossed paths.  🩵  

🩵 You'll learn to MANIFEST, ALLOW, RECEIVE.   

🩵 You will heal and shift from the friction that interrupts your metamorphosis, your results + experiencing the life, abundance + business you want to create. (yes, manifesting butterflies and business go together more than you can even imagine)

 🩵Learn to BE the highest expression of SELF so you can create the life you desire.

🩵Create + experience MAGIC.  This is the whole point of this course.  Beyond butterflies, beyond "law of attraction".   You get to be magical, just sayin'!

🩵 Begin receiving epiphanies, intuitive downloads + an unfolding path toward toward your higher purpose.

🩵Learn how to align with the speed of the Universe + create quantum events that collapse the timeline of your manifesting.

🩵 You will begin to the the world differently, through the lens of the quantum.  

on sale today $97
Enroll in The Butterfly Experiment!