Imagine, What Your Life Could Look Like...

If You Were Free of the Limiting Beliefs 
That Have Held You
Back From Creating The Life You Want To Live?
What would you do?

Who would you be?

What would you create?

What life would you live?

What dreams would you CHASE just for the thrill of it?

It's a verrrry exciting thought, isn't it!  

And you are not so far away from being there.

Because I'm here to tell you, that you can create a life based on beliefs you choose...

Beliefs that serve you.  Support you.  And bring your desires TO you.

Ready? Let's go.

But first...

Let's unpack some important things....

because you are here to create a better life, a better business + a better you.  

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Do you rely on these " good ole stand by's"...
when you're working on manifest your dreams?
(and hey, you are not alone! )  

I Just Gotta Think Better...
You aren't a newbie to this work, and I suspect you know the power of positive thinking.  But after awhile,  you may find yourself feeling like you are the "thought police" inside your mind...  
Watching your thoughts can start to feel like a full time job, that hasn't been paying too well.

Eventually you find yourself slipping back into old beliefs + patterns of thinking.  And beat yourself up along the way for messing it up.

Why do we do that!?)   Because we haven't shifted our core belief systems, where true transformation happens!
And you are human.  :)
It's part of the work.  

I Just Gotta Vision Better...
Begin with the end in mind... they said.   Ahhh, yes. If it were only that easy.  Don't get me wrong, this too is an important piece of  manifesting work - BUT so many of my clients say,  "But, I'm not good at visualizing".   Or I can't stay positive in my visualizing, I keep hearing my inner critic (or those naysayers I've known all  my life!)

And here's the REAL issue....  chances are you've been conditioned to "see it before you believe it".

So it's hard to make headway, unless you heal up the foundational cracks that hold you apart from dialing up a powerful vision.

I Just Gotta Work Harder...
Recognize these thoughts and beliefs?  While spiritual grit, as I like to call it, is good...  the "work harder" vibe is flawed.
Cousins to that thought...
-Feel the fear and do it anyway!

-Gotta work hard for your money...
-Just take massive action!

It's easy to  fall back on the "effort theory".  Because effort... and the above "good ole stand by's will work, surely.

But we quickly lose motivation because underneath the "work harder" vibe is some level of self depreciation... and also holds a vibe of scarcity consciousness that blocks the flow anyway.

Now here is the thing...

The Law of Attraction is at work in your life whether you are conscious of it or not.  

*What you focus on grows.  

*What you think about you bring about.  

(Ohhhh Law of Attraction, how I LOVE YOU!)


If your underlying belief system is not in alignment... 

If it's based in scarcity, fear, struggle...

Then you'll have limits in manifesting your desires.

Limiting belief = limited result.

Limiting beliefs hold you back.  

They hold you down.

Make you small.

Create doubt.

Sabotage your efforts.

Are energetic sticking points that run in the background...

And from the broadest perspective....

Don't allow you to be a vibrational match to allowing your good to flow and attract that which you desire.

Let's explore a little more... 

Abraham Hicks has this "cork analogy" that I have always loved....

Maybe you resonate with this, too.

"Make the best of where you are, and do your best to line up your energy.... because any bit of struggle only holds your cork under the water and doesn't allow you to connect with the energy that would allow anything to improve."
Abraham Hicks

In other words.... your cork needs to FLOAT.

Because any bit of struggle, holds your metaphorical + energetic "cork under water", and you can't connect to the energy that allows your good to flow.

And that's why we need to shift our limiting beliefs.

The first step?


Let's do a little self diagnosis.

Have you felt this way?

 🗸 It's hard to stand in my power as the creator of my life -  it's like my  mind is hardwired with thoughts and ideas  I can't unhook from, and they  seriously keep me stuck.   It's a constant internal battle.   I am not sure I've got what it takes to create the mindset, or the life I want.
🗸 I have lived my whole life needing to "see it before I believe it".  If I'm honest, it is hard to believe in a future that hasn't happened yet.  But I really want to...  
🗸  When I get stressed out, I tend to go into panic mode...taking massive action to move energy and get things done.   Work harder and put in more effort are how I cope... but  I wish there was a better way, because this is getting exhausting. 
🤍There IS a way to transform a long standing belief system without shifting every single "tiny"  belief you've 
ever held or pondered.

🤍There IS a way to identify and pinpoint exactly what's holding you back from manifesting your desires and dreams...  and quickly.

🤍There IS a way to ease yourself into personal transformation that is kind to your beautiful ego,  so you stop beating yourself up for not being where you think you should be, (and actually speed up your results.)
Everything is energy.  Life is fluid.
And deep transformation and change is possible....

The nutshell version.... everything is energy, and your thoughts and beliefs are creative and magnetic.
At any given moment you are either an energetic match to what you want.... or what you don't want.
You are in alignment with limitlessness + possibility + love... or not.  

A core belief system that is in alignment with the quantum field... creates magic + miracles.  
Just like you... I've lived a life filled with joys and heartbreak...  successes and failures.

And I'm grateful for all of it.

e it or not...especially my heartbreak and my failures.

Like so many, I have navigated the challenges of divorce, the loss of loved ones,  the highs and lows of being an entrepreneur in uncertain times, and I raise 4 children.

Just to name a few!  

To navigate challenges and manifest the life you most desire, one would think you have to hold "what you know to be true" even closer to you.... 
But what I've come to know and learn is actually the opposite..

Your best friend may say --

"Stand for what you BELIEVE IN, beautiful. 

Don't waver!"

Sometimes,  that advice is exactly what you need to hear, if it serves you.  

BUT don't clutch to that cup of coffee, (or that advice) too dearly.

In the midst of a whole lot of personal challenges, somewhere between "taking a stand" and clinging to what "I thought I knew".....

I suddenly noti
ced how stuck I was.

My comfort zone got bigger by the day....and I found myself at a standstill.

I had to take a good look at what was going on, through the lens of these sacred teachings, and through the lens of what my guidance wanted me to know.

It was time for belief system overhaul.

What did I desire the most?


Was I manifesting it?   Umm, not so much. 

The only option was to clear the decks, and trade all that I thought I knew for  sacred and Universal Truths...

I cleared  countless streams of undercurrent beliefs that were running in stealth mode...socking my energy, and my essence. 

I pulled up my spiritual boot straps, and shifted.
And  so did my LIFE.

I traded my beliefs, my comfort zone + stopped clinging to how I thought things should be....

And, as if my magic...

I again started to thrive in my business....

I manifested the most amazing soul mate love I could ever imagine....

And most of all... in the midst of it all -- I found my belief in ME again.

What would it feel like to manifest your deepest desires?

Create the life you want to live without the frustration....
Get clarity without having to guess "what works"....

Stop throwing manifesting tactics against the wall...
Just start right here and create a belief system that serves you.
Then watch life unfold with greater ease.

All that you desire, exists on the other side of your
most limiting belief.

And from there it only gets better...
Say hello to opportunity, possibility + freedom.
Opportunities start falling in your lap, doors open and synchronicity blesses your life.  You become an opportunity magnet.  

Here's another beautiful truth.
Possibility becomes limitless when your mind does....what's possible for  you?
Everything and anything. 

Freedom doesn't have to be something you are always chasing.  Free your mind + true freedom follows.  You get to attract and create it.  You can create time freedom, financial freedom, emotional + spiritual freedom.  This is your life, business your creation.  
Beyond Belief  is a spirit led workshop that will help you release decades of , so you can finally manifest the life you've been dreaming of. limiting beliefs Let's being the  journey
🩵Learn my process for transmuting limiting beliefs, and shifting long standing thought patterns with ease so you can manifest more of what you desire.

🩵Master creative control of your future, manifest your life with intention birthed from belief systems that serve you, and align with Universal Truth.

🩵Understand how beliefs are created, how they serve you or not + the 3 sacred Universal Truths you must awaken to take your power back.

🩵Trade your comfort zone for expansion, awakening and manifesting what you desire... (while honoring your humanness + help your mind and Ego feel safe while you do.)

Here's what is inside.....
Lesson 1:  The Beyond Belief  Sacred Manifesting Stack

You'll be learn the sacred Manifesting Stack for the Beyond Belief workshop. It's a gateway, it's a frequency + it's the foundation you need to access higher levels of thought, energy + vibration and transformation.

From here... you'll open the portal!
Lesson 2:  How to Create SELF beliefs that serve you, and the development of your highest self.  

You'll learn the 8 limiting (and almost invisible) self beliefs that sabotage your success, manifesting + happiness...

You'll come away with awareness about your own sticking points and a process to rewire and shift them.  
Lesson 3:  Abundance, Prosperity + Your Belief System

It's time to rewire your limiting belief system to these Universal Truths.   Prosperity, abundance and money is a very hot topic, isn't it?

And one that is laden with belief systems passed down generation to generation...rooted in scarcity, fear + shortage.

Lesson 4:    How to Become a Divine Receiver (+ Stop Blocking Manifestations)

In this session you'll learn specific "receiver beliefs", gain awareness of your blocks, and  stop accidentally refusing the deliveries the Universe has in store for you.

Are you willing to receive all the Universe has in store for you?  If yes, then it's time to align your beliefs and thoughts up with that desire.

 Lesson 5:  Launch Your Life

You need just ONE shift to open the floodgates of possibility, opportunity and manifesting in your life.

This lesson ties it all together and helps you launch a life that's beyond belief. 
🩵The Beyond Belief program essentials

*Beyond Belief Sacred Manifesting Stack
*The Credo - and partake in the process for shifting beliefs, I'll teach you how to access the power of this tool.
* 19 lies that hold you back (and keep you safe and small)
*Grab worksheets and journal prompts I've got for you.

🩵How to Believe in a Future You Can't See (yet) -- one hour masterclass

Learn how to tap into the power of a "living vision" vs a "wanting vision"... and how to from a quantum perspective, activate receiving and creating of the life you want right now.

This is a necessary distinction in the manifesting process. Here we will unite a quantum field conversation with the psychology of belief to create results in your life.

There is a lifetime of value within the coursework + bonuses...and it's my intention to give you a set of tools to transform you and your entire future.

" I have nothing but high praise for Lori's  Beyond Belief Workshop.  It is a deep dive into how one’s beliefs create their reality.  In this workshop, Lori  provides strategies to move beyond one’s limiting beliefs and manifest their deepest desires. For me, I came to the realization that I was putting expectations or judgments on myself such as “I’m not good enough”.  This workshop gave me tools to find my authentic truth so that I could create my Statement of Belief and develop a deeper connection with the Divine.  After the workshop, I grew to love myself more deeply, trust the process, get clarity about what’s important to me, begin to create the life I want at the spiritual level.   This Beyond Belief workshop is truly transformational!!

Dr. Connie Woythal

  🩵Will this program work for me?
If you show up for you, then YES.   You'll have a remarkable vibe shifting, mind opening experience that will set the stage for new level of greatness, possibility + manifesting in your life.  It's time to tip the scales in your favor with an amazing statement of belief - IT WILL WORK FOR ME!  Yes.

🩵 Will it help my business?
Absolutely, YES.  It will.  In fact, this is foundational work that will help you get in alignment and create results in life AND business.   In fact, you can't separate the are your business.    Your ego will be pleasantly surprised at what happens when you work on yourself  (your business is an extension of you!)

 🩵  How is this being offered?
You will have access to this program via my private client platform... you can partake at your own speed, and in your own time.

🩵 Got  testimony?   Yes.  Check out what other students have had to say about
BEYOND BELIEF right here!  And more about working with me across all programming here.

🩵What is the investment? 
 We are currently offering 70%off the tuition... you'll invest just $222 today!

(My goal is to 10x your value always, and with that knowing I've seen students create 10x that in  $$ flow from just ONE of these modules alone.   All of the juicy details are below.)


Here's the details, in a nutshell:


Session 1 -Foundations + The Beyond Belief Sacred Manifesting Stack

Session 2 -How to Create SELF beliefs that serve you, and the development of your highest self.  

Session 3Abundance, Prosperity + Your Belief System

Session 4 -How to Become a Divine Receiver (+ Stop Blocking Manifestations)

Session 5 Launch Your Life!


Bonus #1  - The Beyond Belief program worksheets

Bonus #2 -  How to Believe in a Future You Can't See (yet) -- masterclass

This course is for you if you are ready to let go of the way you've been "doing it"....
And trade the old way of living, believing, expecting + creating...for a better way.

This is for you... if the risk of staying the same... is more painful than the risk to blossom.

This is for you, if you know that doing, thinking, feeling the same-same-same....
creates the same results in your life and you simply
want to base your life on  truths that will
serve you and your life from here to forever.

This is for you... if you love the idea that overhauling beliefs is a divine act of self love.  :)

This is for you - if you are ready to challenge yourself...

What if you were limitless?  What if anything was possible?

And what if I started to LIVE from this place 24/7?

And one more...

This is for you if you want it.  And you know it's time to give yourself what you
need to create the life you want to live.  

Because somewhere along the way, we were told we can't have it all, and we believed it.

I beg to differ.   :)


Here's how to enroll...

🩵 You'll receive:  5 deep dive session
Session 1 -Foundations + The Beyond Belief Sacred Manifesting Stack

Session 2 -How to Create SELF beliefs that serve you, and the development of your highest self.  

Session 3Abundance, Prosperity + Your Belief System

Session 4 -How to Become a Divine Receiver (+ Stop Blocking Manifestations)

Session 5 Launch Your Life!

🩵 And you'll also get these juicy bonuses

Bonus #1  - The Beyond Belief program worksheets + printables.

Bonus #2 -  How to Believe in a Future You Can't See (yet) -- masterclass

(payplan available) 